This Web-Site is published by “DEF FRANCE” company (hereinafter referred as “Publishing Company”)
A limited liability company with a share capital of 5 000 000 Euros
Parc d’Activités du Moulin de Massy, 9 rue du Saule Trapu – 91300 Massy
Registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Evry under the number 712056266
The Editor is Mr. Guy Bocchini.
The Site is hosted by OVH, a simplified share company with a share capital of 10 000 000 €
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Registered address : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
Personal data protection
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation relative to personal data, our Privacy Policy has been modified: http://www.reseau-def.com/
Requests should be sent to : rgpd@reseau-def.com
The user is advised that during his visits to the site, cookies may be stored on his computer. A cookie is a text file that does not identify the user but is used to record information relating to his navigation on the site. The purpose of using these cookies is to conduct traffic analysis or audience measurements to improve the quality of the site.
The user can refuse the installation of these cookies by changing the parameters settings of his browser.
Cookies Policy
1. What is a cookie?
Cookies are text files that may be deposited - subject to your choice - on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device, during the consultation of a website. Upon each subsequent visit, the cookies are sent back to the issuing website, which will be able to recognize the terminal in which they are registered.
When consulting the website of DEF France, the information mentioned in article 2 - "Which cookies do we use on the sites" are likely to be recorded in the cookie files installed on the hard disk of your computer or your mobile device, subject to the choices you have made regarding the said cookies.
2. What cookies do we use on the sites?
When you browse the website of DEF France, we may need to install various cookies on the hard disk of your computer or mobile device. The cookies used by website of DEF France are for the purposes described below, subject to your choice.
Operating cookies. When you browse the website of DEF France, we may install cookies that are necessary for the operation of our websites. These include, for example, cookies that allow you to access the secure areas of our sites. We inform you that these cookies do not collect information that can be used for marketing purposes or to keep track of your browsing history on the internet. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.
Analytics cookies. When browsing the website of DEF France, we may install, subject to your choice, analytics cookies on your device. They allow us to recognize, count the number of visitors and to know how they travel across our websites. This helps us improve the functionality of the latter, for example, by making sure users find what they are looking for easily.
Functionality cookies. When browsing the website of DEF France, we may, subject to your choice, install various cookies on the hard disk of your computer or mobile device, allowing us to recognize you when you return on one of our websites. This allows us to customize our content and keep your preferences in mind.
Cookies issued on our sites by our partners. Our websites use Google Analytics cookies. The information collected by Google Analytics cookies will be transmitted and hosted by Google on servers located in the United States of America in accordance with their privacy policy. For an overview of Google's privacy policy and how it applies to Google Analytics, visit http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.
You can find in the table below, a list of cookies that DEF France uses as well as their shelf life:
NAME : __utma
DESCRIPTION : This cookie is used to distinguish one-time visitors to the site. The latter is updated on each page viewed.
TIME : 13 months
NAME : __utmz
DESCRIPTION :This cookie stores all the information needed to identify a source of traffic. It is in this cookie that the following information is stored: traffic source, the source traffic support, the keyword typed if the user consults the site from a search engine, etc.
TIME : 6 months
NAME : _ga
DESCRIPTION : Used to distinguish users on Google Analytics.
TIME : 13 months
NAME : _icl_current_language
DESCRIPTION :User settings, in connection with the choice of the language of the site.
TIME : 1 day
NAME : wp-settings
DESCRIPTION :Keeps the redirection language.
TIME : 1 day
NAME : wp-settings-time
DESCRIPTION : WordPress also defines some cookies wp-settings- {time} - [UID]. It is used to customize your view of the administration interface, and possibly also the interface of the main site.
TIME : 1 day
NAME : _icl_current_admin_language
DESCRIPTION :This cookie is stored by WPMLStores in the common language of the WordPress admin area.
TIME : 1 day
NAME : wordpress_logged_in
DESCRIPTION :After logging in, Wordpress sets the wordpress_logged_in_ [hash] cookie, which indicates when you are logged in, and who you are, for most interface uses.
TIME : Expires after a few seconds
NAME : wordpress_test_cookie
DESCRIPTION :Operating test of Wordpress cookies.
TIME : 1 session
NAME : wpml_browser_redirect_test
DESCRIPTION : Test whether cookies are enabled.
TIME : 1 day
NAME : _icl_visitor_lang_js
DESCRIPTION : Keeps the redirection language.
TIME : 1 day
3. Your cookies options There are different ways in which you can manage cookies. It should be noted that any configuration that you have implemented, may change your browsing on the website of DEF France and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.
3.1. The implementation of your choice via the tool proposed by DEF France
Before installing cookies on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device, the website of DEF France collect your consent through a "cookie-banner".
This "cookie-banner" offers you the possibility to set different cookies such as cookies related to the audience.
You can change your choices at any time by checking the boxes below:
Do you accept the depositing and reading of cookies so that we and our partners can analyse your interests to offer you customised advertising?
□ Yes
□ No
Do you accept the depositing and reading of cookies to analyse your browsing and allow us to measure the audience of our website?
□ Yes
□ No
Do you accept the depositing and / or the reading of cookies to allow you to share contents of our site with other people or to inform other people your consultation or your opinion (Facebook "Like" buttons by example)?
□ Yes
□ No
Do you agree to receive targeted advertising from us, on our website, or on third-party media?
□ Yes
□ No
How to disable or delete cookies?
You can disable cookies by changing the settings of your browser allowing you to refuse the installation of all or some cookies. However, if you disable all cookies through your browser settings (including cookies strictly necessary for operation), it is likely that you cannot access any or all of the sites. Disabling a cookie or a category of cookies does not remove them from your browser, deletion requiring a specific action.
If you want to change the cookie settings, please go to the "Options" or "Preferences" menus of your browser. For more information, go to the "Help" option of your browser.
For Chrome : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en
For Internet Explorer : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-Cookies
For FireFox : http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/cookies-informations-sitesenregistrent?redirectlocale=fr&redirectslug=G%C3%A9rer+les+cookies
For Safari : http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11952
For Opera : http://help.opera.com/Windows/12.10/fr/notrack.html
For Edge : https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
You may also disable the Google Analytics monitoring by going to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr
If you have disabled one or more analysis cookies, please note that we may still use the information collected by cookies installed prior to deactivation, however we will stop using disabled cookies to collect other information.
With the exception of cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the sites, all cookies expire at the end of the periods indicated in Article 2 and are then permanently deleted.
Use of information
The information collected via the sites is used to answer your requests for information, send you newsletters, study your responses to our job offers or unsolicited applications.
General terms of use
The publishing company has posted this website (hereinafter the "Site") to present its products and services as well as information and recommendations related to its business. Use of this Site implies that you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (hereinafter "CGU") and to comply with all applicable laws.
2. Information about products and services
The products and services presented to you do not constitute an offer for sale but a general presentation of the range of products and services distributed by the publisher of the Site or its subsidiaries. The publisher of the Site or its subsidiaries reserve the right to modify or correct the information contained in this Site regarding the products and services at any time and without notice.
3. Commercial Network
The products and services shown in this Site are distributed by a network of subsidiary distributors of the site publisher or by independent distributors. In all cases, these distributors are companies that have their own legal status and act on their own behalf, without any joint liability between them. Consequently, when you access the information, products and services offered by these distributors via a hypertext link, they are fully responsible for the information contained on their site.
4. Website or secure pages
Certain parts of this Site are secure, particularly the pages where you have to enter personal and confidential data (your access code for instance). This means that the data you pass on to the Site through these pages are encrypted between your browser and the Site's server, and that only the Site can understand and record them. This way, your confidential information is safely transmitted.
5. Access and password management
The Site or some of its sections are available subject to an access code and password provided to you by the publisher of the Site. Access codes and passwords are confidential. You are responsible for the consequences of their use. It is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the access codes and passwords assigned to you. You agree to inform the publisher of the Site of any fraudulent use of your access code and / or password as soon as you become aware thereof. You may change the passwords initially assigned to you at any time via the Site. The number of attempts to access the Site or the secure section is limited. For security reasons, access to the Site or to the secure section is automatically denied after several erroneous access attempts. The publisher of the Site reserves the right to suspend your access to the Site in the event of fraudulent use or attempted fraudulent use of this access. In case of suspension of access, the publisher of the Site will inform you immediately.
6. Intellectual property rights
6.1 Copyright
All information or documents contained in the Site and all the elements created for the Site are either the property of the publisher of the Site or of its subsidiaries, or are subject to rights of use, reproduction and representation granted to the latter. Such information, documents or elements are subject to copyright laws as soon as they are made available to the public on this Site. Copies of the documents contained in this Site may be made for information purposes only and exclusively for a strictly private use. No license or right other than to visit the Site, is conferred to anybody with regard to the intellectual property rights. Reproduction of documents from the Site is authorized for the sole purpose of information for personal and private use: any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes are formally prohibited and subject to the formal prior authorization of the publisher of the Site. In any case, the authorized reproduction of the information contained in this Site should indicate the source and the appropriate property statement.
6.2 Distinctive signs
Unless otherwise stated, the corporate names, logos, products and brands mentioned in this Site are the property of the group that the publisher of the Site belongs to, of the publisher of the Site or its subsidiaries. They may not be used without the prior written permission of the publisher of the Site.
7. Liability limitations
The information and recommendations ("Information") available in this Site are offered to you in good faith. This Information is deemed accurate at the moment you read it. However, the publisher of the Site or its subsidiaries does not represent or guarantee the completeness and accuracy of such Information. You fully bear the risk associated with the credit you give such information. In no event shall the publisher of the Site or its subsidiaries be responsible for any damages that may result from the credit given to such Information, the use thereof or the use of a product to which it refers.
The publisher of the Site does not guarantee that the www.reseau-def.com/en website operates without interruption and that the servers that provide access to it and / or the third-party sites for which hypertext links are shown do not contain any viruses. In addition, the publisher of the Site can in no way be held responsible for any loss of data or deterioration of the data of the user, especially in his private profile.
8. Updates of the terms of use of the website and applicable law
The publisher of the Site may update these terms of use of the Site at any time. Consequently, you are encouraged to regularly refer to the latest applicable terms of use of the Site. These terms of the Site are governed by French law and are within jurisdiction of French courts.